Majutsugo (魔術語)

Majutsugo is the language of magic in Alfheim as depicted in the fanfic Fairy Dance of Death. It is a simplified constructed language that combines five parts of speech to define the characteristics of a spell produced by a given incantation.


  1. Grammar
    1. Incantation Syntax
    2. Parts of Speech
    3. Verb Inflection
    4. Auxiliary Verbs
  2. Vocabulary
    1. Numbers
    2. Elements
    3. Magnitudes
    4. Effect Verbs
    5. Targeting Methods
    6. Manifestations
  3. Requirements, Costs and Effects
    1. Minimum Magnitude
    2. Required Skill Level
    3. MP Cost
    4. Cooldown
    5. Duration
    6. Damage Calculation
  4. Constructing an Incantation
    1. Starting Simple
    2. Adding a Target
    3. Increasing the Magnitude
    4. Changing the Effect
    5. Combining Effects
    6. Sequential Effects
    7. Multiple Projectiles
    8. Shaping Area Effects
    9. Lowering the Requirements
    10. Altering the Scope


Incantation Syntax

Element - [Magnitude] - [Effect] - [Target] - Manifestation

All incantations must begin with an Element and end with a Manifestation. The other parts of speech are optional, but must occur in the order specified.

Parts of speech







Verb Inflection

Effect Verbs are inflected as follows:


Effects which are explicitly harmful in nature, including negative status (debuffs) and damage.


Effects which are explicitly beneficial in nature but not classed as restorative, particularly buffs and defensive effects.


Beneficial effects which heal or restore targets in some way.


A "catchall" category of effects which do not clearly fall into the previous categories. The inflection and usage of Utility verbs can vary somewhat based on their role.

Auxiliary Verbs

Verbs which in some way modify the behavior of another verb. An auxiliary verb is typicall suffixed to the Concatenative form of the verb it modifies, becomes the new ending of that verb, and should be inflected appropriately. Most auxiliary verbs are classed as Utility effects.



For certain advanced spells, it can be necessary to specify a number as part of the incantation. The numbering system used in Majutsugo is base 10, and the following numbers are known:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ka tsu za yo me fa wi nya sla thi
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
thika thitsu thiza thiyo thime thifa thiwi thinya thisla tsuchi
21 22 23 24 25 30 40 50 100 1000
tsuchika tsuchitsu tsuchiza tsuchiyo tsuchime zachi yochi mechi chima chimawu


There are seven known arcane elements in Alfheim. While any race can use a skill slot to learn any type of magic, certain races have an affinity with certain elements that grant them advantages when learning or using that element.

Fire: hi

Water: zu

Earth: do

Wind: fu

Dark: ya

Holy: se

Illusion: ma


Each incantation has a Magnitude, which determines the spellwords that can be used in that incantation, the scale of the effects and their cost.

Effect Verbs

Most, but not all, spell effects are bound to one or more elements. These pages are not a complete list of all effects in the game, and the information may occasionally become outdated as I tweak values.

Requirements, Costs and Effects

Minimum Magnitude

A basic Direct Damage spell has no Minimum Magnitude value. For more complex spells, most Effect Verbs, Targets and Manifestations have a Minimum Magnitude value associated with them. The Minimum Magnitude of an incantation is equal to the highest Minimum Magnitude associated with any of its phrases.

Minimum Skill

The base skill requirement for a spell is determined by the spell's Magnitude. Each increase in Magnitude increases the base skill level requirement by 100. If the Magnitude Phrase is omitted from the incantation, the spell has a base skill requirement of zero, meaning that anyone who possesses the requisite school of magic and the base skill level for the effects and manifestations is capable of casting it.

Most Effect Verbs, Targets and Manifestations have a Skill Mod associated with them. The value of all such mods are added to the base skill level to derive the spell's total Minimum Skill.

The Minimum Skill cannot be reduced below zero, and is capped at 1000--any incantation that would result in a Minimum Skill greater than 1000 will fail, as a player cannot normally attain a skill level higher than this.

MP Cost

Each Element has a different base MP cost. This is added to the MP Mod(s) associated with any Effects, Targets and Manifestations in the incantation. Finally, the resulting sum is multiplied by the modifier for the spell's Magnitude.

Maintained and Spray spells work slightly differently. The caster pays half of the total MP cost for the spell up front, and then additionally pays 10% of the total MP cost per second as long as the spell is maintained. This is usually less efficient in terms of MP cost than a Persistent manifestation, and the tradeoff for this inefficiency is that Maintained spells do not incur a cooldown time.


As with MP Cost, each Element has an associated base Cooldown value. This is added to the Cooldown Mod(s) associated with any Effects, Targets and Manifestations in the incantation. Finally, the resulting sum is multiplied by the modifier for the spell's Magnitude.

What the cooldown then affects is not necessarily as obvious. The total cooldown for a given incantation is the time that a character must wait before using each verb in the incantation in combination with the Element(s) and Manifestation used in the incantation--for the Magnitude of the incantation and any Magnitude below it. This includes any verbs assumed present by ellipsis. Consider the following examples:

Incantation Cooldown Affects
hi jan Any base Magnitude Fire incantation containing the verb zuru in combination with the Manifestation jan.
hitto kachi rakun Any Fire incantation of Magnitude 1 or below containing the verb zuru in combination with the Manifestation rakun.
hitto tsutakke zure mejuru vethleka jan Any Fire incantation of Magnitude 2 or below containing either the verbs zuru or mejuru in combination with the Manifestation jan.
hippa yatto yojikke zure juminu vethleka jan

Any Fire or Dark incantation of Magnitude 4 or below containing either the verbs zuru or juminu in combination with the Manifestation jan.

As a general rule: the more complex and powerful an incantation, the broader the range of spells the cooldown affects. The principle behind this is to discourage mages from simply opening up with their most powerful nukes, stacking a large number of effects into a single spell, or always using the maximum Magnitude they're capable of casting. They still have the option of doing so, but it will result in most of their spellbook being on a long cooldown.

When DPSing (dealing steady damage), smart mages will start with their lower-magnitude damage spells in order to avoid pulling early aggro and putting their ability to deal damage on cooldown, and work their way up to higher magnitudes.


Some spell effects have a base duration associated with them. This is multiplied by the Duration multiplier of the incantation's Magnitude. Spell effects without a duration are considered to take effect instantly upon being applied to a target.

Damage Calculation

Damage is calculated using the following formula:

DMG = Base * SpellMod * (1 + SLVL / 1000 + PLVL / 100) * MagMult

Base: the base elemental effect
SpellMod: the damage modifier from the spell effect
SLVL: the relevant skill level of the caster
PLVL: the player level of the caster
MagMult: the effect multiplier for the incantation's Magnitude

As an example, let's take a level 40 player with 650 Fire Magic skill casting a Magnitude 6 spell (effect multiplier of x8) using direct elemental damage (100% of the base Fire elemental effect of 30-50).

30 to 50 * 1 * (1 + 650 / 1000 + 40 / 100) * 8 = 492 to 820 DMG